
When you desire fuller lips and to get rid of those wrinkles, but needles terrify you!

When I first decided to set up New Me clinic in 2018 on Formby High Street, it was rather daunting to me because I was going to have to face one of my greatest fears!

I love all of the treatments that we offer in the clinic, having tried them all out on myself, however I had and still have a huge fear of needles and being injected!

It is not a phobia at such, but enough to send me running the minute the Aesthetic nurse puts their latex-free gloves on! The anxiety would start to kick in the minute I stepped into the clinic, which is not great when there are clients arriving for their treatments.

My heart would start beating faster, and the sweat would appear on my face and the team would be motioning to me to wipe away the beads of sweat as they rolled down my cheek, all the while I would be smiling politely at the clients!

You see, I have watched the injectable procedures over and over, and our Aesthetic nurses are all highly qualified with gentle hands – yet still the panic would start to creep in. So, I decided to take action and spent hours researching how to overcome my fear!

After several months of trial and error, I have managed to narrow it down to four really perfect solutions to help relax me, and I would like to share these with you, and I hope they help you too!


When you start to panic about anything, your breathing can get faster and lighter and we have a tendency to breathe shallower breathes. So, try and focus on taking slow deeper breathes, drawing the air in through your nose and exhaling out of your mouth. Slowly count each breathe, up to ten in your head, and it really does work and by the tenth breathe you will be calmer again.

Don’t Look

As crazy as it sounds, when you book into the clinic and you want injectables, then let us know in advance that you do not want to see any needles or injections. That way, without the visual stimulus, you can trick your brain into relaxing! We will help relax you by asking you to look at images we have on the wall and will guide you through the procedure. Add that with your calm breathing techniques and the procedure is over before you realise.

Eat and Drink beforehand

Believe or not, the number of clients who attend an appointment, without eating or drinking beforehand never ceases to amaze the Aesthetics team. We like you to have something in your tummy, as this fuels your body and helps take your mind off any procedure. So, if you have forgotten beforehand, we have refreshments on-hand.

There’s a reason why you are having it done

You are not going to be injected for any old reason! So, don’t think of having an injectable as a horrible event. Visualise how you want the end result and when you come to visit the clinic for a consultation you can even bring a picture of how you want to look, along with you. That way, by focusing on a positive image, it helps to relax your mind and prepare you for the beautiful end result!

If you would to find out more about our range of treatments then please view in the treatment section on here or visit our Facebook and Instagram pages, or pop in for a consultation.

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