Weight Management

Our medical team can help you loose excess pounds using an effective and safe weight management programme.

We create bespoke programmes for both men and women, offering advice on nutrition, diet and lifestyle. We are also licensed to prescribed weight loss pills to patients who meet the criteria.


Every weight lost programme is specifically designed for the individual client. At the first consultation one of our team will discuss your current lifestyle and diet. They will also check your blood pressure, record your weight and calculate your BMI. Your consultant will take all these factors into account before creating your weight loss programme.

Where appropriate we may be able to safely prescribed the Skinny Injection, although this is usually carried out at a separate appointment. Slimming Pills are also available depending on individual circumstances, these are usually taken in tablet form once a day.

Do weight loss programmes work?

Our team are here to guide you through the entire weight loss journey, we don’t just create your plan and leave you to it. Your consultant will schedule a follow up appointment one week after you start following your weight loss programme. At the appointment you can discuss any issues you might be experiencing and determine whether you have lost any weight within the first week. We can also signpost you to support groups for daily advice and motivational support throughout your treatment.


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