
Dermaplaning is an exfoliation procedure which involves the gentle “shaving” of the skin. This is designed to remove the top layer of dead skin cells along with any unwanted fine hair. A trained practitioner will carry out the treatment using a surgical scalpel.  

There is no downtime associated with Dermaplaning although typically the treatment will need to be repeated on a monthly basis.

What are the benefits?

The objective of Dermaplaning is to remove dead skin cells and unwanted fine hairs, creating a smoother and more radiant complexion. The process will also stimulate cell renewal and can help even out your skin tone. By removing the top layer of dead skin, moisturisers and other products are absorbed more effectively, whilst makeup can be easier to apply. 

Does it hurt? 

This is a completely pain free treatment with no recovery time needed. The skin will be thoroughly cleansed before treatment can take place. A trained practitioner will carefully run the scalpel over the face taking particular care over sensitive areas. At the end of each treatment an appropriate moisturising product will be applied to the face, lips and eyes.


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