The slimming pen is a prescription only weight loss medicine that contains the active substance liraglutide. When you eat your body releases a hormone called GLP1 which informs the receptors in the brain that you are full. The slimming pen uses the same hormone which suppresses your appetite and makes you feel less hungry.
- Suppresses appetite
- Boosts metabolism & energy
- Makes you feel less hungry
- FDA medically approved
- UK approved by the MHRA
- Stops sugar & fatty food cravings
- Reduces fat not just body fluid weight
- See results in a matter of weeks
What happens during and after the slimming injections treatment
Before your treatment begins a Medical trained professional will outline exactly what to expect. At consultation you will be weighed to assess your BMI (Body Mass Index) and a simple blood sugar test will be taken to assess you medically for using the medication. When medically approved, you will receive the slimming pen and be able to commence your Weight Loss Journey immediately.

The slimming pen is a prescription medicine that comes in the form of a self-administered pen which is injected daily into either the tummy, upper arm or thigh area. The needle is as thin as a piece of hair.
The Slimming pen generally lasts 3 – 5 weeks. Each person’s dosage is individual, and some may use it quicker than others.
After your treatment, please closely follow the aftercare advice given to you by your Medical Professional