The ageing process is not kind to our skin! A lack of collagen and a decrease in elasticity causes lines and wrinkles appear. Some people are just happy to accept this as part of becoming older, but for others…….. there are anti-wrinkle injections!
Anti-wrinkle injections are a well known and trusted name in the fight against getting older. It involves the injection of the Anti-wrinkle injections solution to problem areas such as crows feet, foreheads or around the mouth. The treatment works by relaxing the muscle in the chosen area and subsequently creates a smooth more youthful looking complexion.

What areas are suitable for Anti-wrinkle injections?
Forehead and between the brows, crow’s feet, lines at the bridge of the nose, necklines, lines around the lips.
What age should I start having Anti-wrinkle injections?
Many people think about having anti-wrinkle injections around the age of 35. As a general rule, anti wrinkle treatments become an option as dynamic lines (frown lines, smile lines) are constantly visible. Lifestyle can be a factor. For example if smoke or are often exposed to the sun, you may decide to consider treatment at an earlier age. For patients heading into their 50s, treatment may be less effective as lines have become well established and deeper set.
Is Anti-wrinkle injections a safe treatment?
Rest assured that your practitioner will be medical trained and have had extensive training and experience in carrying out anti-wrinkle injections treatments. Anti-wrinkle injections are a safe, fast and very affordable solution for those wanting to turn back the clock. For patients who are looking for a more dramatic end result, Anti-wrinkle injections can be combined with a variety of other treatments including HIFU and Lipo Firm Pro.
How does Anti-wrinkle injections work?
The nerve endings in the body naturally release a substance called acetylcholine, this causes muscles to contract. The Anti-wrinkle injections solution contains a substance which is specifically designed to stop the release of acetylcholine. When the muscle is more relaxed the face appears smoother and the appearance of lines is massively reduced.

Your face is the first thing that people notice about you. But when your appearance no longer reflects the way you feel on the inside, it may be time for a change.
In time, your skin loses its full, firm, youthful appearance. From the age of 30 onwards we start losing significant collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin. As a result, our skin becomes loose and starts to wrinkle.
In some, the tissue quality has dropped more rapidly, and a person can look older than their actual age. If you feel the quality of your facial and body tissue has started to become lax or is drooping significantly or maybe you are looking older than your age, you should consider the following treatment options.
What other conditions is Anti-wrinkle injections used for?
For long term sufferers of migraines, Anti-wrinkle injections is a valued solution. The Anti-wrinkle injections solution blocks the neurotransmitters which cause a person to experience pain. To ensure maximum effect the treatment should be repeated every twelve weeks.
Excessive Sweating:
Anti-wrinkle injections interrupt the signal between the brain and the sweat glands, eliminating excessive sweating. A patient will need to repeat the treatment every 3-6 months.
Many people experience blushing over the face, neck and chest when in high pressure situations. Anti-wrinkle injections can help reduce this effect by blocking the signals between the nerve cells that reach the skin and blood vessels.
Gummy Smile:
When Anti-wrinkle injections is injected into the muscle above the lip it prevents it from being lifted as high and reduces the impact of a gummy smile.
Nefertiti Neck Lift:
Lines and wrinkles do not only cause problems on the face, the also extend to the neck. Anti-wrinkle injections is effective for horizontal and vertical lines ensuring it looks more youthful.
Anti-wrinkle injections for a lip flip is a cosmetic procedure that involves injecting into the muscles around the upper lip to create the appearance of a fuller, more lifted upper lip. During the procedure, a small amount of Anti-Wrinkle is injected into the orbicularis oris muscle, which encircles the mouth.
By selectively weakening this muscle, this can help relax the upper lip, causing it to roll slightly upward and outward, giving the appearance of a “lip flip.”


Anti-wrinkle injections for marionette lines can be an effective treatment option for softening the appearance of these lines. Marionette lines are the vertical lines that extend downward from the corners of the mouth and can give the face a sad or aged appearance. Anti-wrinkle injections, works by temporarily relaxing the muscles responsible for creating these lines, thereby reducing their visibility
Anti-wrinkle injections can be combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as dermal fillers, to achieve optimal results. Fillers can help to add volume to the areas around the marionette lines, further reducing their appearance.

Anti-wrinkle injections for jawline slimming, also known as masseter reduction, have become increasingly popular as a non-surgical option for reshaping the lower face.
Here’s some information about this treatment:
Anti-wrinkle is injected into the masseter muscles, which are the large muscles on the sides of the jaw. These muscles are responsible for chewing and clenching the jaw. By selectively weakening these muscles, Anti-wrinkle injections can reduce their size and prominence, resulting in a slimmer jawline. The results of jawline slimming with Anti-wrinkle injections are not immediate and typically become noticeable gradually over the course of several weeks. It may take up to one to two months to see the full effects of the treatment.
This can also be used to help stop teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, has become a viable treatment option for some individuals. During the procedure, Botox is injected into the masseter and temporalis muscles, which are the muscles responsible for jaw movement during grinding or clenching of teeth. By weakening these mus- cles, Anti-wrinkle injections can reduce the intensity of teeth grinding and clenching.
What happens during and after the Anti-wrinkle injections Treatment?
Before your treatment begins a Medical trained professional will outline exactly what to expect. A fine needle will deliver the Anti-wrinkle injections solution directly into the problem areas.
Depending on which areas are being treated, the sessions can last between 15-45 mins. The treatment is done on a walk in, was out basis with no time required for recovery. To avoid bruising, it is advised that certain medications be stopped prior to the appointment.
Results will be seen in 2- 7 days. To maintain the appearance the treatment will need to be repeated within 3-6 monthstime.
After your treatment, please closely follow the aftercare advice given to you by your Medical Injector.